Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 12, 2016

Phụ kiện cho sắc ký khí GC , sắc ký lỏng HPLC Agilent, shimaduzu, hitachi, thermo, perkin elmer PE rẻ nhất thị trường

Phụ kiện cho sắc ký khí  GC , sắc ký lỏng HPLC Agilent, shimaduzu, hitachi, thermo, perkin elmer PE rẻ nhất thị trường
\      Đèn Tungsten sử dụng cho các detector của các hãng như: Agilent, Beckman, Camspec, Cecil Instruments, GBC, Linear/TSP, Orbitec, Perkin Elmer, Pharmacia, Philips, Roper, Scientific, Shimadzu, Thermo Separation (TSP), Thermo Spectronic, Unicam,…

-      Đèn Xenon sử dụng cho các detector của các hãng như: Agilent, Beckman, Camspec, Cecil Instruments, GBC, Linear/TSP, Orbitec, Perkin Elmer, Pharmacia, Philips, Roper, Scientific, Shimadzu, Thermo Separation (TSP), Thermo Spectronic, Unicam,…

-      Đèn D2 cho các detector cho máy HPLC, máy UV-VIS… của các hãng như: Agilent,

-       Đèn catot rỗng đơn nguyên tố: Vàng, Crom, Liti, Silic, Nhôm, Asen, Cadimi,  nikel, bari, sắt, canxi, đồng, Liti, phốt pho, natri, magie, Cobal, Bạc….
-       Đèn catot rỗng đa nguyên tố: 2 nguyên tố, 3 nguyên tố, 4 nguyên tố, 7 nguyên tố…. sử dụng cho máy AAS của các hãng: Perkin Elmer, Varian, Unicam, Shimadzu, Hitachi, GBC,….

Phụ kiện cho máy quang phổ AAS , ICP hãng Agilent (cam kết rẻ nhất thị trường )

Phụ kiện cho máy quang phổ AAS , ICP hãng Agilent (cam kết rẻ nhất thị trường )

Coded Single Element Lamps
•High performance – manufactured from the purest cathode materials
•Easier to use – element coded for automatic lamp recognition, preventing errors
•Stable operation – extended processing ensures minimal warm-up and good lamp stability
Coded Single Element Lamps
Element Part No. Element Part No.
Aluminum – Al 5610100100 Neodymium – Nd 5610103600
Antimony – Sb 5610100200 Nickel – Ni 5610103700
Arsenic – As 5610100300 Niobium – Nb 5610103800
Barium – Ba 5610100400 Osmium – Os 5610103900
Beryllium – Be 5610100500 Palladium – Pd 5610104000
Bismuth – Bi 5610100600 Phosphorus – P 5610107700
Boron – B 5610100700 Platinum – Pt 5610104100
Cadmium – Cd 5610100800 Potassium – K 5610104200
Calcium – Ca 5610101000 Praseodymium – Pr 5610104300
Cerium – Ce 5610101100 Rhenium – Re 5610104400
Cesium – Cs 5610100900 Rhodium – Rh 5610104500
Chromium – Cr 5610101200 Rubidium – Rb 5610104600
Cobalt – Co 5610101300 Ruthenium – Ru 5610104700
Copper – Cu 5610101400 Samarium – Sa 5610104800
Dysprosium – Dy 5610101500 Scandium – Sc 5610104900
Erbium – Er 5610101600 Selenium – Se 5610105000
Europium – Eu 5610101700 Silicon – Si 5610105100
Gadolinium – Gd 5610101800 Silver – Ag 5610105200
Gallium – Ga 5610101900 Sodium – Na 5610105300
Germanium – Ge 5610102000 Strontium – Sr 5610105400
Gold – Au 5610102100 Tantalum – Ta 5610105500
Hafnium – Hf 5610102200 Tellurium – Te 5610105600
Holmium – Ho 5610102300 Terbium – Tb 5610105700
Indium – In 5610102500 Thallium – Tl 5610105800
Iridium – Ir 5610102600 Thulium – Tm 5610106000
Iron – Fe 5610102700 Tin – Sn 5610106100
Lanthanum – La 5610102800 Titanium – Ti 5610106200
Lead – Pb 5610102900 Tungsten – W 5610106300
Lithium – Li 5610103000 Vanadium – V 5610106500
Lutetium – Lu 5610103100 Ytterbium – Yb 5610106600
Magnesium – Mg 5610103200 Yttrium – Y 5610106700
Manganese – Mn 5610103300 Zinc – Zn 5610106800
Mercury – Hg 5610103400 Zirconium – Zr 5610106900
Molybdenum – Mo 5610103500

Uncoded Single Element Lamps
Element Part No. Element Part No.
Aluminum – Al 5610122000 Neodymium – Nd 5610125500
Antimony – Sb 5610122100 Nickel – Ni 5610125600
Arsenic – As 5610122200 Niobium – Nb 5610125700
Barium – Ba 5610122300 Osmium – Os 5610125800
Beryllium – Be 5610122400 Palladium – Pd 5610125900
Bismuth – Bi 5610122500 Phosphorus – P 5610126000
Boron – B 5610122600 Platinum – Pt 5610126100
Cadmium – Cd 5610122700 Potassium – K 5610126200
Calcium – Ca 5610122900 Praseodymium – Pr 5610126300
Cerium – Ce 5610123000 Rhenium – Re 5610126400
Cesium – Cs 5610122800 Rhodium – Rh 5610126500
Chromium – Cr 5610123100 Rubidium – Rb 5610126600
Cobalt – Co 5610123200 Ruthenium – Ru 5610126700
Copper – Cu 5610123300 Samarium – Sa 5610126800
Dysprosium – Dy 5610123400 Scandium – Sc 5610126900
Erbium – Er 5610123500 Selenium – Se 5610127000
Europium – Eu 5610123600 Silicon – Si 5610127100
Gadolinium – Gd 5610123700 Silver – Ag 5610127200
Gallium – Ga 5610123800 Sodium – Na 5610127300
Germanium – Ge 5610123900 Strontium – Sr 5610127400
Gold – Au 5610124000 Tantalum – Ta 5610127500
Hafnium – Hf 5610124100 Tellurium – Te 5610127600
Holmium – Ho 5610124200 Terbium – Tb 5610127700
Indium – In 5610124400 Thallium – Tl 5610127800
Iridium – Ir 5610124500 Thulium – Tm 5610128000
Iron – Fe 5610124600 Tin – Sn 5610128100
Lanthanum – La 5610124700 Titanium – Ti 5610128200
Lead – Pb 5610124800 Tungsten – W 5610128300
Lithium – Li 5610124900 Vanadium – V 5610128500
Lutetium – Lu 5610125000 Ytterbium – Yb 5610128600
Magnesium – Mg 5610125100 Yttrium – Y 5610128700
Manganese – Mn 5610125200 Zinc – Zn 5610128800
Mercury – Hg 5610125300 Zirconium – Zr 5610128900
Molybdenum – Mo 5610125400

High Intensity UltrAA Coded
Single Element Lamps
•Emission intensity is increased by 3-5 times, for lower noise
•Sensitivity is increased by up to 40%, due to the sharper emission profile,
allowing determinations at even lower levels
•Element coded for automatic lamp recognition, preventing errors
UltrAA lamps are high-intensity, boosted discharge hollow cathode lamps. They use the standard lamp
current, but apply an additional boost discharge within the lamp to increase the emission intensity.
The boost current is supplied from a secondary control module (either integrated into the instrument
or supplied from an external module).
UltrAA lamps are manufactured from the purest cathode materials, and every lamp is QA/QC tested to
guarantee performance and reliability. These lamps are coded for automatic lamp recognition (except
for 50/55 AA, SpectrAA-50/55 and SpectrAA-5 models), eliminating the risk of time-consuming errors
when reprogramming the lamp position.
High Intensity UltrAA Coded Single Element Lamps
Element Part No.
Antimony – Sb 5610108000
Arsenic – As 5610108100
Bismuth – Bi 5610134200
Boron – B 5610135700
Cobalt – Co 5610134100
Copper – Cu 5610109100
Germanium – Ge 5610134300
Gold – Au 5610109000
Iron – Fe 5610108600
Lead – Pb 5610108200
Manganese – Mn 5610133700
Nickel – Ni 5610108500
Palladium – Pd 5610135800
Platinum – Pt 5610135900
Selenium – Se 5610108300
Silicon – Si 5610133400
Tellurium – Te 5610134000
Thallium – Tl 5610108400
Tin – Sn 5610133900
High Intensity UltrAA Coded Multi-Element Lamps
Element Part No.
Aluminum/Calcium/Magnesium – Al/Ca/Mg 5610133600
Cobalt/Chromium/Copper/Iron/Manganese/Nickel – Co/Cr/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni 5610134500
Cobalt/Molybdenum/Lead/Zinc – Co/Mo/Pb/Zn 5610135200
Copper/Iron/Manganese/Zinc – Cu/Fe/Mn/Zn 5610135000
Copper/ Iron/Silicon/Zinc – Cu/Fe/Si/Zn 5610135100
Copper/Zinc – Cu/Zn 5610134600
Silver/Cadmium/Lead/ Zinc – Ag/Cd/Pb/Zn 5610108900
Silver/Chromium/Copper/Iron/Nickel – Ag/Cr/Cu/Fe/Ni 5610134900
High Intensity UltrAA Uncoded Multi-Element Lamps
Element Part No.
Arsenic/Copper/Iron – As/Cu/Fe 5610135300
Nickel/Selenium – Ni/Se 5610135400
High intensity UltrAA lamp, Ag/Cd/Pb/Zn,
High intensity UltrAA lamp, As/Cu/Fe,
High Intensity UltrAA Coded Single Element Lamps
Element Part No.
Antimony – Sb 5610108000
Arsenic – As 5610108100
Bismuth – Bi 5610134200
Boron – B 5610135700
Cobalt – Co 5610134100
Copper – Cu 5610109100
Germanium – Ge 5610134300
Gold – Au 5610109000
Iron – Fe 5610108600
Lead – Pb 5610108200
Manganese – Mn 5610133700
Nickel – Ni 5610108500
Palladium – Pd 5610135800
Platinum – Pt 5610135900
Selenium – Se 5610108300
Silicon – Si 5610133400
Tellurium – Te 5610134000
Thallium – Tl 5610108400
Tin – Sn 5610133900

Item Mark 7 Spray Chamber
Description Part No.
Complete Mark 7 spray chamber assembly 110634490
1 Mixing paddle, fluorinated, 1/pk 110637000
Mixing paddles, fluorinated, 5/pk 9910093600
2 Mark 7 air/acetylene burner 210164000
Mark 7 nitrous oxide/acetylene burner 210164100
7 Spray chamber body, fluorinated 6210092090
11 Pressure relief bung, fluorinated 1610118800
18 Kit, fluorinated liquid trap, drain tube
with integrated float and magnet
22 O-ring spray chamber, nitrile  6910037000
22 O-ring spray chamber,
organic solvent compatible
23 O-ring spray chamber bung, nitrile  6910010500
23 O-ring spray chamber bung organic
solvent compatible
Item Nebulizer components
for Mark 7 Spray Chamber
Description Part No.
3 Spray chamber screw mounting 1510226600
4 Nebulizer block, fluorinated (excludes
integrated nebulizer)
5 Clamp bead adjuster  810133400
6 Screw bead adjuster  1510225000
8 Nebulizer capillary guide  810134400
9 Kit, fluorinated liquid trap, drain tube
with integrated float and magnet
10 Venturi nebulizer, PEEK  1610117390
12 Clamp bush guide  810134300
13 Screw capillary adjuster  1510226800
14 Nut lock M12 x 0.5 1510226700
15 Bearing bush nebulizer 310046600
16 Screw lock dog point M8 1510226000
17 Screw M6 x 6 Ertalyte 1510226500
18 Kit, fluorinated liquid trap, drain tube
with integrated float and magnet
20 Spring nebulizer 4610017400
21 O-ring screw bead adjuster, nitrile 6910000100
21 O-ring screw bead adjuster
organic solvent compatible
24 O-ring 1/32 in id x 3/32 in od x 1/32 in nitrile 6910009700
25 O-ring 3/16 in id x 5/16 in od x 1/16 in nitrile 6910009800
25 O-ring 3/16 in id x 5/16 in od x 1/16 in
organic solvent compatible
26 Nebulizer Capillary Kit
Includes capillary assembly, capillary guide,
nebulizer spring, nebulizer cleaning wire,
Hi-Vac capillary tubing and standard
capillary tubing
Glass impact beads, 5/pk 9910025700
PTFE impact beads (for use with HF digests),
Mark 7 O-ring kit, for aqueous samples
Includes O-rings to suit screw bead adjuster
(1 ea), nebulizer capillary assembly (1 ea),
capillary guide and venturi (7 ea),
spray chamber bung and burner (3 ea),
and nebulizer block (1 ea).
Mark 7 O-ring kit, for organic solvents
Includes O-rings to suit screw bead adjuster (1 ea),
nebulizer capillary assembly (1 ea),
capillary guide and venturi (2 ea),
spray chamber bung and burner (2 ea),
and nebulizer block (1 ea).
Drain tubing for aqueous solutions, per meter,
2 m length required
Venturi extraction tool 7210027700
Nebulizer capillary extraction tool 7210027600
Stand for Mark V, VI and 7 spray chambers 9910049800

Mark 7 Flame Atomization System Operating Kit
Description Kit Quantity Unit Part No.
Mark 7 operating supplies kit 190034100
Kit Contents
Venturi nebulizer, PEEK  1 1610117390
Nebulizer Capillary Kit
Includes capillary assembly, capillary guide, nebulizer spring,
nebulizer cleaning wire, Hi-Vac capillary tubing and standard
capillary tubing
1 9910093000
Nebulizer block, fluorinated (excludes integrated nebulizer) 4 9910093100
Glass impact beads 1 5/pk 9910025700
High solids capillary tubing  1 3 m 9910024800
Mark 7 O-ring kit, for aqueous samples
Includes O-rings to suit screw bead adjuster (1 ea), nebulizer
capillary assembly (1 ea), capillary guide and venturi (7 ea),
spray chamber bung and burner (3 ea), and nebulizer block (1 ea).
1 9910093400
Mixing paddles, fluorinated 1 5/pk 9910093600
Burner cleaner strips 1 100/pk 9910053900

The Mark 7 burner fits all current AA instruments and the earlier SpectrAA series instruments
and is compatible with the Mark V, VI and 7 spray chambers.
Description Part No.
Mark 7 air/acetylene burner 210164000
Mark 7 nitrous oxide/acetylene burner 210164100
Burner cleaner strips, 100/pk 9910053900
Capillary spares kit, 9910024500
High solids capillary tubing, 9910024800
Nebulizers and Nebulizer Maintenance
Description Use With Part No.
Barrel nebulizer, adjustable Mark V and VI spray chambers 9910043500
Barrel nebulizer, high vacuum Mark V and VI spray chambers 9910043700
Spare tantalum venturi kit Mark V and VI spray chambers 9910024400
Pt/Ir capillary spares kit
Includes capillary assembly, capillary guide, nebulizer
spring, nebulizer tool, nebulizer cleaning wire, Hi-Vac
capillary tubing and standard capillary tubing
Mark V and VI spray chambers 9910024500
High solids capillary tubing, 3 m Mark V, VI and 7 spray chambers 9910024800
High vacuum capillary tubing, 3/pk Mark V, VI and 7 spray chambers 9910044000
Nebulizer Capillary Kit
Includes capillary assembly, capillary guide, nebulizer
spring, nebulizer cleaning wire, Hi-Vac capillary tubing
and standard capillary tubing
Mark 7 spray chamber 9910093000
Nebulizer cleaning wire, 3 x 0.3 m lengths Mark V, VI and 7 spray chambers 9910024700
Nebulizer O-ring kit Barrel nebulizers 9910035200
Impact Beads

Mark VI Flame Atomization System Operating Kit
Typical operation supplies required for moderate use of Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer Systems
with the Mark VI spray chamber.
Mark VI Flame Atomization System Operating Kit – For use with aqueous samples
Description Kit Quantity Unit Part No.
Mark VI operating supplies kit 190024800
Kit Contents
Spare tantalum venturi kit 1 9910024400
Pt/Ir capillary spares kit 1 9910024500
Barrel nebulizer, high vacuum 1 1/ea 9910043700
Nebulizer O-ring kit 1 9910035200
High vacuum capillary tubing 1 3 m 9910044000
O-ring/gasket kit 1 9910026500
Mixing paddles 1 5/pk 9910063600
Burner cleaner strips 1 100/pk 9910053900

Mark VI Standard Spray Chambers
The Mark VI spray chamber was used with older model instruments. It has many of the design features
and benefits of the Mark 7 design.
Mark VI Standard Spray Chambers – For use with aqueous samples
Description Part No.
O-ring/gasket kit 9910026500
Mixing paddles, 5/pk 9910063600
Liquid trap and float assembly 110315690
Drain tubing for aqueous solutions, per meter, 2 m length required 3710009200
Nebulizer bung assembly
Requires nebulizer
Complete Mark VI spray chamber assembly
Requires nebulizer
Mark VI Universal Spray Chamber – For use with organic solvents*
Description Part No.
O-ring/gasket kit 9910045700
Mixing paddles, 5/pk 9910063600
Liquid trap and float assembly 9910061600
Nebulizer bung assembly
Requires nebulizer
Pressure relief bung 9910063100
Drain tubing for organic solvents, nitrile rubber, per meter, 2 m length required 3710011700
Complete universal spray chamber and liquid trap assembly
Requires nebulizer
*Also suitable for use with aqueous solutions

Test Tubes
Description Unit Part No.
Polypropylene tubes, 16 mm od 125/pk 3710051100
1000/pk 190049700
Polypropylene test tubes, 17 mm od, 16.5 mL 1000/pk 00000001600L
Digestion Tubes
Description Unit Part No.
Digestion tubes, screw capped, 30 mm od, 50 mL polyethylene 500/pk 190047900
Description Part No.
0.8 mm id inert probe, PTFE sleeved
For use with AA instruments (without diluter)
1.0 mm id inert probe, PTFE sleeved
For use with AA, MP-AES, ICP-OES and UV/Vis instruments (or with diluter)
1.3 mm id inert probe, PTFE sleeved
For use with viscous solutions and high matrix samples
Description Part No.
Sample Racks
Sample rack for 13 mm od tubes, 90 positions 6610026400
Sample rack for 16 mm od tubes, 60 positions 6610025400
Sample rack for 20 mm od tubes, 40 positions 6610025500
Sample rack for 25 mm od tubes, 24 positions 6610026500
Sample rack for 30 mm od tubes, 21 positions 6610026600
Spare Standards Racks
Standard rack for 16 mm od tubes, 11 positions 810166900
Standard rack for 29 mm od tubes, 6 positions 810167000
Rack Overlays for Sample Racks
Rack overlay for 60 position sample rack
Allows 13 mm od tubes to be used in 60 position rack (Qty 2 recommended per rack)
Rack overlay for 40 position sample rack
Allows 18 mm od tubes to be used in 40 position rack (Qty 2 recommended per rack)
Sample rack, 6610026400
Standard rack for 29 mm od tubes, 810167000
Description Use With Part No.
Reagent pump tubing, black/black, 12/pk VGA-76/77 3710027200
Sample pump tubing, purple/black, 12/pk VGA-76/77 3710027300
Tubing and connector kit
Includes 1 sample and 2 reagent peristaltic pump tubes, inlet tubing
for sample and reagents (3 x 0.4 m lengths), connectors, acid
resistant connecting tubing, gas inlet tubing to gas-liquid separator,
reaction coil and O-ring strap to secure gas-liquid separator
VGA 77 9910061900
Drain tubing for gas-liquid separator to waste per meter,
2 m length required
VGA-76/77 3710009200
Transfer tubing
Gas-liquid separator to absorption cell
VGA-76/77 3710026390
Tubing and connector kit
Includes 1 sample and 2 reagent peristaltic pump tubes, inlet tubing
for sample and reagents (3 x 0.4 m lengths), connectors, acid
resistant connecting tubing, gas inlet tubing to gas-liquid separator
and reaction coil
VGA-76 9910039900
Transfer Tubing, VGA-76/77, 3710026390
Tubing and connector kit, 9910061900
Gas-liquid Separators
Description Use With Part No.
Gas-liquid separator VGA 77 for AA 9910071100
VGA 77P for ICP 9910062000
VGA-76 for AA 9910040200
VGA-76 for ICP 9910056900
AA Gas-liquid separator for VGA 77, 9910071100
Graphite Furnace Parts and Supplies
Maximize your uptime by keeping one of these kits handy.
Kits for GTA 120 Furnace System
Description Part No.
GTA 120 Deuterium furnace operating supplies kit 190067900
Kit Contents Kit Quantity Unit Part No.
Graphite electrodes
For GTA 120
2 1 pair 6310003400
Graphite shroud
For GTA 120
1 6310003100
Omega platform tubes, pyrolytically coated 5 10/pk 6310003700
Syringe, 100 µL 1 4710003200
Capillary assembly 1 5/pk 9910115100
Glass beakers, 25 mL 1 5/pk 6610008200
Sample vials, 2 mL, conical polyethylene 2 1000/pk 9910028200
Kits for GTA 100/GTA 110 Furnace Systems
Description Part No.
GTA 110 Deuterium furnace operating supplies kit 190024900
GTA 110 Zeeman furnace operating supplies kit 190025000
Kit Contents Kit Quantity Unit Part No.
Omega platform tubes, pyrolytically coated 5 10/pk 6310003700
Syringe, 100 µL 1 4710002300
Plunger for 100 µL syringe, PTFE tipped 1 4710003100
Capillary assembly 1 5/pk 9910032300
Glass beakers, 25 mL 1 5/pk 6610008200
Sample vials, 2 mL, conical polyethylene 2 1000/pk 9910028200
Graphite electrodes
For GTA-95/96/97/100/110
2 1 pair 6310001600
Graphite electrodes
For GTA-96/100/110 Zeeman
2 1 pair 6310001700
280Z dedicated graphite furnace
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
GTA 120 Deuterium furnace operating supplies kit,
Graphite shroud for GTA 120, 6310003100
Graphite Tubes and Platforms
Description Unit Part No.
Partitioned tubes, pyrolytically coated 10/pk 6310001200
Omega platform tubes, pyrolytically coated 10/pk 6310003700
Solid pyrolytic graphite platforms
Only for plateau tubes, 6310001100
10/pk 6310001300
Plateau tubes, pyrolytically coated
Only for pyrolytic platforms, 6310001300
10/pk 6310001100
Graphite Electrodes
Description Unit Part No.
Graphite electrodes for GTA 120 1 pair 6310003400
Graphite electrodes for GTA 120 Zeeman 1 pair 6310003500
Graphite electrodes for GTA-95/96/97/100/110 1 pair 6310001600
Graphite electrodes for GTA-96/100/110 Zeeman 1 pair 6310001700
Graphite Shrouds
Graphite Shrouds
Description Part No.
Graphite shroud for GTA 120 6310003100
Graphite shroud for GTA 120 Zeeman 6310003600
Graphite shroud for GTA-95/96/97/100/110 6310001800
Graphite shroud for GTA-96/100/110 Zeeman 6310001900
Electrode extractor tool, 9910031200
Graphite Furnace Tools
Graphite Furnace Tools
Description Part No.
Electrode extractor tool for GTA-96/97/100/110/120, 2 draw bars 9910031200
Shroud removal tool for GTA-96/97/100/110/120 9910033300
Electrode extractor tool for GTA-96/100/110/120 Zeeman, 2 draw bars 9910049300
Shroud removal tool for GTA-96/100/110/120 Zeeman 9910050400
Programmable Sample Dispensers (PSD)
used with Graphite Furnace AA
Spares and Supplies
Description Use With Part No.
Sample vials, 1.1 mL, polyethylene, 2000/pk PSD 120 high capacity sample carousel 6610025900
Sample vials, 2 mL, conical polyethylene,
PSD-95/96/97/100/120 9910028200
Glass beakers, 25 mL, 5/pk PSD-95/96/97/100 6610008200
Plastic beakers, 10 mL, 5/pk PSD 120 9910115600
Rinse bottle, Nalgene, 1 L PSD-97/100/120 6610012100
Cap for rinse bottle PSD-97/100/120 1610094600
Capillary assembly, 5/pk PSD 120 9910115100
PSD-95/96/97/100 9910032300
Carousel adaptors, 5/pk
Allows use of 2 mL sample vials
in the central carousel locations
PSD-96/97/100 9910054200
Syringe, 100 µL PSD 120 4710003200
PSD-95/96/97/100 4710002300
Plunger for 100 µL syringe, PTFE tipped PSD-95/96/97/100/120 4710003100
Replacement carousel plate PSD 100/120 5410029700
Replacement carousel plate
for 130 sample carousel
PSD 120 5410046300
Furnace workhead viewing mirror GTA 110/120 9910091200

Furnace workhead viewing mirror GTA-96/97/100 9910032700

Phụ kiện cho quang phổ AAS, ICP của hãng perkin elmer ( PE ) cam kết rẻ nhất thị trường

Phụ kiện cho quang phổ AAS, ICP của hãng perkin elmer ( PE ) cam kết rẻ nhất thị trường
Single Element Hollow Cathode Lamps
Similar to
OEM Part No.
Part No.
Aluminum Al 50 mm coded N3050103 8003-0712
Antimony Sb 50 mm coded N3050170 8003-0713
Arsenic As 50 mm coded  N3050105 8003-0714
Barium Ba 50 mm coded N3050109 8003-0715
Beryllium Be 50 mm coded N3050110 8003-0716
Bismuth Bi 50 mm coded N3050111 8003-0888
Boron B 50 mm coded N3050108 8003-0889
Cadmium Cd 50 mm coded N3050115 8003-0890
Calcium Ca 50 mm coded N3050114 8003-0891
Chromium Cr 50 mm coded N3050119 8003-0892
Cobalt Co 50 mm coded N3050118 8003-0893
Copper Cu 50 mm coded N3050121 8003-0894
Europium Eu 50 mm coded N3050124 8003-0897
Gadolinium Gd 50 mm coded N3050129 8003-0898
Gallium Ga 50 mm coded N3050128 8003-0899
Germanium Ge 50 mm coded N3050130 8003-0900
Gold Au 50 mm coded N3050107 8003-0901
Indium In 50 mm coded N3050137 8003-0904
Iridium Ir 50 mm coded N3050138 8003-0905
Iron Fe 50 mm coded N3050126 8003-0906
Lanthanum La 50 mm coded N3050141 8003-0907
Lead Pb 50 mm coded N3050157 8003-0908
Lithium Li 50 mm coded N3050142 8003-0909

Nebulizers and Components
Instrument  Description
Similar to
OEM Part No.
Part No.
PinAAcle Capillary assembly for stainless steel nebulizer N3160113 8003-0827
PinAAcle Nebulizer assembly, stainless steel, for aqueous solutions N3160143 8003-0828
PinAAcle O-ring, for high-sensitivity nebulizer with Pt/Ir capillary B0507708 8003-0862
PinAAcle Capillary assembly, for metal body nebulizers 03030354 8003-0864
PinAAcle Nebulizer, high-sensitivity, with Pt/Ir capillary N3160144 8003-0950
PinAAcle and AAnalyst
Impact bead, for high-sensitivity nebulizer with Pt/Ir or tantalum capillary
and earlier AA models
B0505086 8003-0860
PinAAcle and AAnalyst 200/400 O-ring, for high-sensitivity nebulizer with Pt/Ir capillary 09902015 8003-0861
PinAAcle and AAnalyst 200/400 Spring, for high-sensitivity nebulizer with Pt/Ir capillary 09920483 8003-0865

Single Element Hollow Cathode Lamps
Similar to
OEM Part No.
Part No.
Magnesium Mg 50 mm coded N3050144 8003-0910
Manganese Mn 50 mm coded N3050145 8003-0911
Mercury Hg 50 mm coded N3050134 8003-0912
Molybdenum Mo 50 mm coded N3050146 8003-0913
Neodymium Nd 50 mm coded N3050150 8003-0914
Nickel Ni 50 mm coded N3050152 8003-0915
Niobium Nb 50 mm coded N3050149 8003-0916
Palladium Pd 50 mm coded N3050158 8003-0917
Phosphorus P 50 mm coded N3050155 8003-0918
Platinum Pt 50 mm coded N3050162 8003-0919
Potassium K 50 mm coded N3050139 8003-0920
Praseodymium Pr 50 mm coded N3050161 8003-0921
Rhenium Re 50 mm coded N3050165 8003-0922
Rhodium Rh 50 mm coded N3050166 8003-0923
Samarium Sm 50 mm coded N3050174 8003-0924
Scandium Sc 50 mm coded N3050171 8003-0925
Selenium Se 50 mm coded N3050172 8003-0926
Silicon Si 50 mm coded N3050173 8003-0927
Silver Ag 50 mm coded N3050102 8003-0928
Sodium Na 50 mm coded N3050148 8003-0929
Strontium Sr 50 mm coded N3050176 8003-0930
Tantalum Ta 50 mm coded N3050177 8003-0931
Tellurium Te 50 mm coded N3050180 8003-0932
Thallium Tl 50 mm coded N3050183 8003-0934
Tin Sn 50 mm coded N3050175 8003-0936
Titanium Ti 50 mm coded N3050182 8003-0937
Tungsten W 50 mm coded N3050187 8003-0938
Vanadium V 50 mm coded N3050186 8003-0939
Yttrium Y 50 mm coded N3050189 8003-0941
Zinc Zn 50 mm coded N3050191 8003-0942
Zirconium Zr 50 mm coded N3050192 8003-0943

Nebulizers and Components
Instrument  Description
Similar to
OEM Part No.
Part No.
All PE AA systems Nebulizer cleaning wire, alloy, 5/pk 03030135 9910024700
All PE AA systems Nebulizer capillary tubing, polyethylene, 10 ft (3 m), 0.023 inch (0.6 mm) id x
0.038 inch (0.97 mm) od, used with Cross-Flow and high solids nebulizer
09908265 8003-0406
AAnalyst 200/400 Nebulizer, high-sensitivity, with Pt/Ir capillary N3150188 8003-0837
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Capillary assembly, for corrosion-resistant nebulizer 03030402 8003-0818
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Nebulizer assembly, corrosion-resistant 03030404 8003-0819
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Nebulizer assembly, stainless steel, for aqueous solutions 03030352 8003-0822
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 O-ring kit, for metal body nebulizer assemblies N9300065 8003-0826
AAnalyst 100/300/700/800 Spring, for GemTip nebulizer 09902473 8003-0830
AAnalyst 100/300/700/800 GemTip nebulizer assembly, high-sensitivity N0370393 8003-0831
AAnalyst 100/300/700/800 GemTip nebulizer assembly N0370394 8003-0832
AAnalyst 100/300/700/800 Spring, for high-sensitivity nebulizer with Pt/Ir capillary B0165332 8003-0833
AAnalyst 100/300/700/800 O-ring, for high-sensitivity nebulizer with Pt/Ir capillary B0506143 8003-0834
AAnalyst 100/300/700/800 O-ring, for high-sensitivity nebulizer with tantalum capillary B0190672 8003-0835
AAnalyst 100/300/700/800 Nebulizer, high-sensitivity, with Pt/Ir capillary B0505480 8003-0836
AAnalyst 100/300/700/800 O-ring, 9.25 mm id, 1.78 mm cross section (2-012), for high-sensitivity nebulizer
with Pt/Ir capillary
B0174378 8003-0863
AAnalyst 200/400
and PinAAcle 900
Nebulizer tubing assembly, for high-sensitivity nebulizer with Pt/Ir capillary B3150458 8003-0409
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/
700/800 and PinAAcle 900
Capillary assembly, for metal body nebulizers
Capillary assembly, for high-sensitivity nebulizer with Pt/Ir capillary
03030354 8003-0864
700/800 and PinAAcle 900 Spring, for metal body nebulizer assemblies 03031806 8003-0823
Capillary assembly, for high-sensi-tivity nebulizer with Pt/Ir capillary
03030354 8003-0864
O-ring, 0.208 inch id, 0.070 inch cross section, for stainless steel
nebulizer assembly
09902239 8003-0824
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/
700/800 and PinAAcle
O-ring, 0.176 inch id x 0.070 inch cross section, for stainless steel
nebulizer assembly
09902005 8003-0825

Burner System Components
Instrument  Description
Similar to
OEM Part No.
Part No.
Parts for PinAAcle Systems
PinAAcle 900 End cap latch assembly N3160107 8003-0838
PinAAcle 900 Burner drain assembly for organics N3150232 8003-0854
PinAAcle O-ring, end cap, 0.312 x 0.070 inch (4 required) 09200253 8003-0842
PinAAcle End cap assembly, for metal body nebulizers N3160102 8003-0845
PinAAcle End cap assembly, for plastic body nebulizers N3160111 8003-0847
PinAAcle Burner drain assembly, with tubing and drain interlock,
drain bottle not included
N0400058 8003-0857
PinAAcle Burner mixing chamber assembly N3160506 8003-0944
Parts for PinAAacle & AAnalyst Systems
PinAAcle and AAnalyst
Flow spoiler 00572561 8003-0841
PinAAcle and AAnalyst
O-ring, end cap, Viton, standard 09902147 8003-0843
PinAAcle and AAnalyst
O-ring, 1/8 in x 3 mm id, for seal plug in end cap assembly
for metal body nebulizers
09902236 8003-0853
Parts for AAnalyst Systems
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Clamping ring, for burner system N0401171 8003-0840
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 O-ring, end cap, Kalrez, organics/aqueous 09921044 8003-0844
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 End cap assembly, for metal body nebulizers 00570984 8003-0820
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 End cap assembly, for plastic body nebulizers N0370392 8003-0848
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Drain tubing, Tygon, with FEP lining 02507987 8003-0850
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Seal plug, Pyrex, for impact bead used with end cap assembly
for metal body nebulizers
00572624 8003-0851
Burner System Components
Instrument  Description
Similar to
OEM Part No.
Part No.
Parts for AAnalyst Systems
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 O-ring, 1/4 inch x 6 mm id, for end cap assembly for metal body nebulizers 09902240 8003-0852
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Burner drain assembly for organics N3150230 8003-0855
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Burner drain assembly, with tubing and drain interlock, drain bottle not included N2011074 8003-0856
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Burner mixing chamber assembly 00570948 8003-0945
Burner Supplies
Instrument  Description
Similar to
OEM Part No.
Part No.
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Burner gasket kit for end cap assembly for metal body nebulizers  00470988 8003-0395
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 O-ring kit, Viton for burner head 09902219 8003-0397
AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Gasket (O-ring), Corkprene, for burner end cap organics 00472014 8003-0407
PinAAcle and AAnalyst O-ring, burner head, 24.99 x 3.53 mm 09200079 8003-0849
PinAAcle and AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Burner head cleaning tool 03031573 8003-0858
Instrument  Description
Similar to
OEM Part No.
Part No.
PinAAcle and AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Burner head, single-slot, 5 cm, for nitrous oxide-acetylene
or air-acetylene operation
N0400100 8003-0417
PinAAcle and AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Burner head, single-slot, 5 cm, for air-acetylene operation N0400101 8003-0418
PinAAcle and AAnalyst 100/200/300/400/700/800 Burner head, single-slot, 10 cm, for air-acetylene operation N0400102 8003-0419
Graphite Components
Instrument  Description
Similar to
OEM Part No.
Part No.
Graphite Tubes and Platforms
THGA Graphite Furnace Systems Graphite tube, standard, THGA, with end cap, 5/pk
Recommended for improved characteristic mass with volatile and medium
refractory elements (not recommended for refractory elements such as V or Ba).
B3000653 8003-0958
THGA Graphite Furnace Systems Graphite tube, standard, THGA, with integrated platform, 5/pk B3000641 8003-0410
THGA Graphite Furnace Systems Graphite tube, standard, THGA, with integrated platform, 20/pk B0504033 8003-0959
700/600/300 Furnaces
Graphite tube, pyrocoated, HGA, with integrated spherically shaped platform that
accommodates up to 50 µL sample, for volatile and nonvolatile refractory elements, 5/pk
B3001262 8003-0416
700/600/300 Furnaces
Graphite tube, pyrocoated, with grooves for L’vov platforms (platform not included), 10/pk B0121092 8003-0421
700/600/300 Furnaces
L’vov platforms, for use with HGA tubes that have internal grooves, 20/pk B3001256 8003-0422
700/600/300 Furnaces
L’vov platforms, for use with HGA tubes that have internal grooves, 10/pk B0121091 8003-0960
600/300 Furnaces
Graphite tube, pyrocoated, HGA, 10/pk
Not compatible with L’vov platforms.
B0135653 8003-0962
600/300 Furnaces
Graphite tube, pyrocoated, HGA, with advanced platform, 5/pk N9307834 8003-0954
Contact Cylinders
THGA Graphite Furnace Systems Contact cylinder, graphite, standard, THGA, 1 set B0504035 8003-0401
THGA Graphite Furnace Systems Modified THGA contact cylinder set
With modified injection port area to help minimize condensation and improve
analytical performance with difficult matrices.
B3002103 8003-0949
600/300 Furnaces
Contact cylinder, HGA, 1 set
Includes left-hand contact, right-hand contact and shield ring.
B0128495 8003-0405
Zeeman HGA-900/850/800/
700/600/300 Furnaces
Contact cylinder, Zeeman, HGA, 1 set  B0116823 8003-0961
Graphite tube, standard, THGA,
Graphite tube, pyrocoated, HGA,
with integrated platform, 8003-0416
Graphite tube, pyrocoated, HGA,
Graphite Components
Instrument  Description
Similar to
OEM Part No.
Part No.
Tools and Other Supplies
HGA-900/850/800/700/600/300 Furnaces Insertion tool for L’vov platforms B0112657 8003-0423
THGA Graphite Furnace Systems Spare graphite tip, for fume extraction system B0506722 8003-0955
THGA Graphite Furnace Systems Filter cartridge, THGA AA600 Fume Extractor, 50/pk B0509065 8003-0956

THGA Graphite Furnace Systems O-ring (behind contact cylinder, front and back) B0500748 8003-0957

Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 12, 2016

Hệ thống sắc ký lỏng siêu áp RHPLC Model: LC-4000 Series Hãng sản xuất: Jasco Xuất xứ: Nhật bản

Hệ thống sắc ký lỏng siêu áp RHPLC
Model: LC-4000 Series
Hãng sản xuất: Jasco
Xuất xứ: Nhật bản
Bao gồm
Hệ thống phân phối dung môi đa kênh
Model: PU-4180-LPG RHPLC bốn kênh dung môi tích hợp hệ thống khử khí cho 4 kênh riêng biêt
Hãng sản xuất: Jasco
Xuất xứ: Nhật bản

Dải tốc độ dòng cài đặt: 0.001 ~ 10.0 mL/min
Phạm vi tốc độ dòng áp dụng:
0.5 ~ 6.0 mL/min (~ 70 MPa)
~ 10.0 mL/min (~ 40 MPa)
Áp xuất cự đại
70 MPa ( ~ 6.0 mL/min)
35 MPa (~ 10.0 mL/min)
Độ chính xác tốc độ dòng
+/- 1% or +/- 2 µL/min, tùy theo mức lớn hơn.
(0.2 ~ 10.0 mL/min)
Độ đúng tốc độ dòng
0.05% RSD or +/- 0.04min SD, tùy theo mức lớn hơn.
(0.5 ~ 5.0 mL/min)
(đo bằng phổ)
Kích thước: 300(W) x 470(D) x 150(H) mm, 13 kg
Nguồn cung cấp: AC 100 ~ 240V, 50/60 Hz, 80 VA
Chế độ gradient áp xuất thấp (chế độ dòng biến đổi)
Độ chính xác trộn: +/-0.8% (5 ~ 95%, 0.5 ~ 5.0 mL/min)
Độ đúng:
0.25% RSD or +/-0.02 phút, tùy theo mức lớn hơn.
(0.5 ~ 5.0 mL/min) (đo bằng phổ)
Hệ thống lấy mẫu tự động
Model: AS-4150 Autosampler
Hãng sản xuất: Jasco
Xuất xứ: Nhật bản
Thông số kỹ thuật
Phương pháp tiêm mẫu: Đầy đủ (full) hoặc một phần cho Loop mẫu (với thể tích mẫu tiêu hao bằng 0), tiêm mẫu trực tiếp (tùy chọn)
Số lượng mẫu: 180 (với lọ 2ml)
Thể tích tiêm mẫu: 0.1-100uL (thể tích tiêm lớn hơn 1-1000uL tùy chọn)
Độ đúng tiêm mẫu: RSD 0.25% hoặc thấp hơn (điều kiện đặc biệt)
Độ chính xác: ±0.1% hoặc thấp hơn (với chức năng hiệu chỉnh)
Độ quá mẫu (carry over): 0.01% hoặc thấp hơn (2uL) điều kiện tiêu chuẩn
0.005% hoặc thấp hơn (với nhiều van xả dung môi ở điều kiện đặc biệt)
Áp xuất tối đa: 70Mpa
Gia nhiệt, làm mát: dải từ 4-40 °C – Tùy chọn
Chuyển hóa trước cột: Chuyển hóa trước cột lên tới 2 loại thuốc thử, pha loãng và nhiều chương trình người sử dụng
Kích thước: 300 (W) x 470 (D) x 385.5 (H) mm,
Trọng lượng: 25 kg
Nguồn cung cấp: AC 100 ~ 240V, 50/60 Hz, 75 VA
Cung cấp kèm
Lọ 2.0ml (500 lọ/hộp và PTFE septum 1,000pcs/set)

Model: MD-4010 Diode-array Detector
Hãng sản xuất: Jasco
Xuất xứ: Nhật bản
Thông số kỹ thuật
Nguồn đèn: D2 và WI
Khoảng bước sóng: 190-900nm
Số lượng phần tử mảng diode (PDA): 1024 phần tử
Độ rộng khe: 1, 4, 8nm
Tốc độ tra đổi số liệu: lớn nhất 100 spectra/sec trên toàn dải
Mức nhiễu: +/- 3.0 x 10-6 AU (ở điều kiện tiêu chuẩn)
Độ trôi: < 0.5 x 10 -6 AU/h (ở điều kiện tiêu chuẩn)
Độ tuyến tính: 2.0 AU hoặc hơn (ở điều kiện tiêu chuẩn)
Buồng đo mẫu (flow cell): kích thước 10mm, kiểu hộp phía trước
Kết nối máy tính: USB 2.0
Kích thước: 300(W) x 470(D) x 150(H) mm
Trọng lượng: 14.5 Kg
Nguồn điện: AC 100 ~ 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 180 VA

Hệ thống buồng ổn nhiệt cho cột tách
Model: CO-4060 Column Oven
Hãng sản xuất: Jasco
Xuất xứ: Nhật bản

Thông số kỹ thuật
Phạm vi nhiệt độ: - 15ºC ~ 80ºC
Kích thước buồng cột: 110(W) x 105(D) x 410(H) mm
Đặc tính an toàn: Bộ gia nhiệt/làm mát tắt khi nhiệt độ cao bất thường hoặc phát hiện dò rỉ dung môi
Kích thước: 150(W) x 470(D) x 475(H) mm
Trọng lượng: 16Kg
Nguồn tiêu thụ: AC 100 ~ 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 350 VA

Phần mềm điều khiển và trao đổi dữ liệu
Model: ChromNAV 2.0
Hãng sản xuất: Jasco
Xuất xứ: Nhật bản
Các đặc tính chính của phần mềm
Tích hợp peak và xác định peak
Nhóm peak
Định lượng theo đường thẳng và đường cong
Phân tích phổ 3D
Phân tích phổ cho detector UV/Vis, huỳnh quang và PDA
Tạo các kiểu báo cáo khác nhau
Thuật toán người dùng
Tất cả các hàng số liệu được bảo vệ và lưu giữ, mà sau đó có thể được phân tích và tái phân tích, báo cáo và lưu lại với cả các dữ liệu thô và với bất kỳ xử lý dữ liệu từ phân tích của người sử dụng
Một định dạng kiểm toán toàn diện ghi lại các phương pháp thu thập cùng với một lịch sử của chỉ số hoạt động của thiết bị trong mỗi file dữ liệu mẫu, trong đó cung cấp cho người dùng một nhanh chóng về tình trạng của hệ thống trong thời gian chạy và có thể cảnh báo về các yêu cầu để bảo trì sắp xảy ra
Các ứng dụng tùy chọn khác
CFR 21 CFR Part 11 tuân thủ và đăng ký dữ liệu điện tử
GPC molecular weight dispersion
Molecular weight dispersion of low molecular weight heparin
FUMI theory (Function of Mutual Information) for theoretical precision analysis
Các tham số khác
Ngôn ngữ: Lựa chọn tiếng Anh và tiếng Nhật
Hệ điều hành: Thích hợp hệ điều hành Windows 7 Professional 32/64 bit
Windows 8.1 Professional 32/64 bit
Phần cứng có thể điều khiển được: LC-4000 Series, X-LC 3000 Series, LC-2000 Series, điều khiển lên tới 4 hệ thống, tối đa 20 hệ thống đăng ký
Hệ thống điều khiển: Điều khiển trự tiếp thiết bị bởi Director mode,
Chương trình thời gian bởi Control Method
Đo phổ
Phòng chống việc sử dụng trái phép bằng cách khóa bảo mật
Tín hiệu vào dạng Analog
Lên tới 4 kênh vào đồng thời cho một LC-Net II/ADC

Phụ kiện đi kèm
HPLC Start Up kit for LC-4000
BS-4000-1 Bottle stand
C18 column 150x4.6mm,5um with guard column (01 cái)
Maintenance tool kit for L-4000 (01 bộ)
CG cable (04 cái)